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Friday, March 9, 2007

Yerba Mate for Weight Loss

Ever heard of Yerba Mate? If you have not, you might be missing out on a key ingredient to weight loss. Yerba Mate is a natural tea drink brewed from the leaves of evergreen trees that grow in the rain forests of South America. Yerba Mate is also an ingredient in many popular weight loss products. Which means, if you have a weight loss goal, you could consider drinking three to four glasses of Yerba Mate Tea each day to quicken your weight loss.

We all know that stress can make us seek “comfort foods” namely chocolates and other foods which are not good for our weight loss goals. Yerba Mate has a relaxing effect, which means if you drink it in between meals; you will find that it is much easier to cut down on snacks, as well as to trim your portion sizes. Yerba Mate can also help you with cravings. So, if you crave chocolate or something sweet mid-morning or afternoon, drinking a cup of yerba mate will help you curb your cravings.

The other good thing about Yerba Mate is that Yerba Mate also provides energy. It might seem a little counter intuitive at first. How can something that soothes you down also provide you energy? The tea harmonizes the system and gives you what you need at times. With renewed energy your body will not protest the thought of working out, walking the dog or going swimming with the kids. Exercise therefore becomes natural and something that you enjoy and look forward to.

Yerba mate also contains mateine, which is thought to be a compound that is chemically identical to caffeine, with the exception that it does not cause the caffeine jitters. Mateine stimulates the metabolism, which not only burns calories faster, but converts more calories into energy.
If you are wondering where on earth you are going to get this magical drink, fear not. It is available online through various stores like the yerba Mate Cafe

If you are wondering what the heck is Yerba Mate, keep reading this fabulous blog.

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